
Admissions Process

Now enrolling!


Christian Montessori School of Lake Norman is committed to bringing young people together from a broad spectrum of ethnic, national, religious and economic backgrounds. We welcome diversity and teach our children to broaden their perspective of the world through friendships, mutual respect, and understanding. Each new application is carefully considered according to the individual and their learning style. Our goal is to help families find the best match between student and school while at the same time recognizing that the parent is the first educator and we are partners with them.

Steps for admission:

  1. Initial contact:  After reading through our Open House Folder, we encourage you to reach out to our Administrator regarding your interest in the school:
  2. Tour:  You should sign up for a school tour
  3. Application and Fee:  Once you feel confident that you would like your child to attend our school, you will submit an Application (located in Open House Folder) and a non-refundable application fee of $100. Applications need to be printed, completed, and submitted as a hard-copy with attached application fee.
  4. Classroom observation: Once the application is received, your child will be invited to join the class during a Montessori work period and will be observed by the lead teacher for a select amount of time.
  5. Offer of enrollment:  This offer is dependent upon successful completion of the classroom observation.  Our goal is to make sure our environment is beneficial to each child in the program.
  6. Contract submission:  Parents will complete all contractual documentation and provide all necessary student information.
  7. Transition days scheduled for student to begin their program!

Normally, our Admissions Committee will be able to respond to your application within a week of your child’s visit to notify you of the admissions decision. Please see below for 2021-2022 admissions documentation.


2024-2025 Documents

SAB Baptism_GetAlongGang

I hope you guys are having a wonderful start to the school year.  Sydney and Jeremiah are doing well.  I thought I would share with you some wonderful news, Sydney was baptized last weekend!  She had to go through a baptism interview at church a month ago and she passed with flying colors.  She was so excited.  Below is the video (its only a minute long).  I also attached a picture of the get along gang prior to the baptism.

But I just wanted to share because you guys were an integral part in her early Christian walk.  I thank God for you guys helping to raise my children with solid Christian principles.   Thanks and hopefully I will see you guys at the next Spirit Night.  You didn’t think that you guys would get rid of us did you?!

Thanks and you guys have a great weekend!

Rebekah W Brooks

I want everyone involved in the young man’s success to know that we are thankful for his strong foundation.

Folks always ask how he could be a senior and be so much younger than his classmates, and we reply “Lake Norman Day School”. We are well, and he has about 15 great offer for college! We thank God and those involved from the beginning!

Kevin & Lisa